Stop Pretending Like Anyone Knows What College Football Will Look Like This Fall

No one really knows when college football will back.

Getting Creative For 2020

While no one knows at this time what the fall will look like but there have been a few ideas out there on what a season could look like.

Utah State head coach Gary Andersen sent out a video to the media and he started to discuss a cutoff date for when a 2020 season ould begin. His date is June 1 as a cutoff to be able to get the season going on as plan.

That date is very arbitrary and probably a bit early to make anything definitive, but where Andersen gets creative is that if the season gets pushed back then he suggests playing only conference games.

This is not a bad idea by Andersen but also not great. His June 1 cutoff date is early but if the season were to be completed in its normal time meaning it would end around the first week of January with bowl games.

Another idea would be to push the season back and either have the season be completely in the spring or do a split season with a later fall start time a break around finals and the season ends around March.

There are a lot of logistics of doing a split or even a spring football season. Such as, would seniors who are projected to be high draft picks sit out the year, how will games be broadcast with the NBA, NFL playoffs, NCAA basketball, and maybe even some early season Major League Baseball.

The college football season really needs to be played one some level and a lot of that has to do with revenue that comes with that sport. Even a conference-only season would bring in a lot of money to each school with four home games within the Mountain West

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UP NEXT: Athletic directors unsure