Stop Pretending Like Anyone Knows What College Football Will Look Like This Fall

No one really knows when college football will back.

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Stop Pretending Like Anyone Knows What College Football Will Look Like This Fall

Be hopeful but listen to the experts, like doctors.

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Will there be a normal 2020 college football season?

No one knows for sure what the fall college football season will look like in any form, and that includes a number of games when the season start or if there will even be a season.

The logical answer is just too soon to know for sure and those college football coaches who are saying for sure, they know nothing, so listen to medical experts about clues and also if college campuses are open or not.

If campuses are not open during summer school how can football teams convene for summer workouts or have access to the weight room if the school is shut down. These are other clues to know how a college football season will look like.

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney who spoke to reporters and showed extreme confidence that the upcoming season will go on as planned.

“This is America, man,” Swinney said. “We’ve stormed the beaches of Normandy. We’ve sent a rover out on Mars and walked on the moon.This is the greatest country.

We’ve created an iPhone where I can sit here and talk to people in all these different places,” he added. “We’ve got the smartest people in the world. We’re going to rise up and kick this thing in the teeth and get back to our lives.”

His enthusiasm is great but this more than just finding a vaccine, a cure, or something preventive to slow COVID-19. A lot of has to do with people gathering in large places.

Swinney has no clue if COVID-19 will be in control enough to allow a stadium full of anywhere from 25,000 to 100,000 fans in a stadium. We all would love for this to be the case but we just do not know.

There are people like this in my neck of the woods where people do not care about this and calling it a fake pandemic (click image for full view) and are gathering closely together eating a meal.

These type of gatherings are what will keep this virus spreading and delay getting back to everyday life.

Alabama head coach Nick Saban in a conference call was not going to make a prediction on the upcoming season, and this might have made the smartest comment on the 2020 college football season.

“I never really answer hypothetical questions,” Saban said to the Associated Press. “I’m sure that everybody’s going to want me to speculate on what’s going to happen in the future, and nobody really knows. It’s very uncertain. It’s uncertain times.

“I think we have to fight through the process of what we need to do on a day to day basis to make good choices and decisions, to do the right thing at the right time regardless of the circumstance.”

It is all a wait and see approach for the 2020 season and Saban is right on this by not wildly guessing on when the season will begin.

UP NEEXT: What will a 2020 season look like?

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