Soccer goalkeeper with smart video tale hyping Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Portland Timbers goaltender Jeff Attinella has delivered a great story to Tampa Bay Buccaneers faithful on what he hopes happens in Super Bowl LV

The Super Bowl transcends everything. People, countries, all sports.

A great example is Portland Timbers goalkeeper Jeff Attinella, who is a USF alum and diehard Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan.

Attinella, who played for the Tampa Bay Rowdies, posted a hype video of sorts, call it a children’s story for his beloved Bucs.

It’s clever and a lot of fun.

Who knows, maybe it will earn him a tryout with the NFC champs one day?

His publishing company is called “It Had To Be Told” – he did a Cubs book a couple of years ago and during COVID the Timbers shipped a bunch of them to kids in Chicago.

A little background on Attinella, an interesting athlete.

My most cherished childhood memories are centered around watching a big game; my relationship with my wife sparked by a mutual love for Penn State football, and my passion for Tampa Bay sports keeps me close to home, even though we’ve moved all over the country. I owe so much of my life to sports.

The idea to tell these stories came about after the birth of my daughter, Remy. I wanted to create a vehicle that I could share my love of sports with her, in a way that would hopefully build a bond we’d share forever. Reading together provides a way for parents and their children to share in special moments, but I want these stories to do even more. I want to reach the kids like me, the ones more likely to grab a ball than a book. It is so important for a growing mind to fall in love with reading and I hope these stories can bridge a love for sports with a newfound passion for reading.