So Jerry, how did this hit you? And how …

So Jerry, how did this hit you? And how do you think you’ll look back on the part he played in building the NBA? Jerry West: He led this league through some turbulent times, and had a great idea about how the league should be in terms of players’ responsibilities to the public — his ability to work with the players (and) The Players Association was pretty remarkable when the league was not (succeeding). He had an incredible 30-year career in the NBA. I had a great relationship with him. We didn’t always agree on things. … I would call him from time to time and (share) things I saw that maybe needed to be addressed. And he was very courteous about listening to them, even if he may not believe what you were saying. But he was a great leader for a lot of years. And some of the things that you see in the NBA today, obviously, is part of his thought process, and the ability to get owners to acquiesce to what he thought was important for the growth of this league.