Sheamus, MJF trade Twitter taunts over PWI 500

As Sheamus found out, if you invoke wrestlers and scarfs on Twitter, MJF appears.

The annual PWI 500, which was released earlier this week and has become the topic of much debate around pro wrestling fandom as usual, is powerful enough to even get WWE and AEW wrestlers to interact with each other on social media. Case in point: an exchange between Sheamus and MJF.

It started innocently enough, with Sheamus and Happy Corbin going back and forth over Sheamus’ placement on this year’s list: 125.

As their exchange continued, Sheamus invoked a certain article of clothing that apparently has the power to make MJF materialize out of the Twittersphere like saying Candyman’s name three times.

MJF couldn’t help but wade into the fray, which in turn had Sheamus hit him with one of the more famous Conor McGregor GIFs of all time.

Were he so inclined, MJF could certainly bring up his own place on the list: No. 16, which isn’t too shabby for someone who hasn’t wrestled all summer. He didn’t exactly take the high road in his reply, in any case.

But even getting WWE wrestlers to engage with him suits his purpose, which is to remind everyone that he intends to explore all opportunities, including departing for WWE, when he becomes a free agent at the end of 2023.

You only need to read the replies to these two tweets to see how wrestling fans react when performers in two different companies interact like this, which is to say they eat it up. Corbin added to it too with his “I’m hinting at so called forbidden things” comment. This is a lot of fun for fans, and likely for the wrestlers themselves, so here’s hoping there’s more of this to come.