Seeing Kyle Allen be carted off in an aircast was a familiar sight for Alex Smith

Alex Smith was next in line to play after Kyle Allen dislocated his ankle on the field, which has a harrowing sight for Smith to see.

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When you have a player like Alex Smith who has suffered such trauma in his career, having both his career and life threatened by a gruesome leg injury just two years ago, any sight of a bad injury can likely be triggering.

So when Smith got the call to come into the game after his teammate Kyle Allen went down with a dislocated ankle, it was probably a bit disturbing for Smith, who was seen warming up on the field near where Allen was having an aircast put on his leg and carted off the field. For Smith, this was something he is very familiar with.

In relief of Allen, Smith was able to get going to have a pretty nice game despite three interceptions, throwing for 325 yards and a touchdown, his first in two years. Credit to the veteran for being able to shake those images out of his head and get back to playing football. That has to be harder than we can imagine after being through what he’s been through over the past two years.

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