See the X-ray images of Chris Weidman’s nasty leg break before and after surgery

Chris Weidman has a long and arduous road to recovery ahead of him.

Three days later, and we’re still in shock by [autotag]Chris Weidman[/autotag] breaking his leg in a most ironic and horrific fashion at UFC 261, where Uriah Hall won by injury TKO just 17 seconds into their fight after he checked a kick.

By now you must have seen the gruesome footage reminiscent of Dec. 28, 2013 when Anderson Silva’s leg snapped after Weidman checked his kick to win their rematch at UFC 168.

On Monday, roughly 24 hours after surgery, Weidman expressed disbelief by this happening to him. He also described the procedure to repair his leg.

“They put a titanium rod through the tibia. So they go through the knee, and they take the rod and they drill it through the tibia to make it straight and hard. My fibula was broken, as well, but I guess when they put the tibia back together and my leg was straight, the fibula kind of matched back up to where it was broken, and they feel that could heal on its own as long as I’m not putting weight on it and stuff.”

You can see that in the before-and-after X-rays that Weidman shared on Tuesday (via Twitter):

Weidman has seemed upbeat in the videos he’s shared from a Jacksonville hospital. He said he expected to be discharged Tuesday and would fly home to Long Island on a private jet provided by UFC president Dana White.

It’s sure to be a long and arduous road to recovery for Weidman, and we wish him well.

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