See the 37 top Super Bowl commercials every year since 1989, according to USA TODAY Ad Meter

The best of the best Super Bowl ads in one place.

It’s Super Bowl time! And that means we’re getting super pumped for … the commercials.

No, seriously! The ads are just as much a part of the experience as the game itself. From the beer ads to Doritos to Pepsi campaigns, we’ve seen it all.

Another yearly big-game tradition? USA TODAY’s Ad Meter will once again measure which Super Bowl commercials are best. Since 1989, we’ve gotten the answer to which ad reigned supreme.

AD METER 2024: Sign up to rate all the commercials from the big game!

So let’s look back at a history of the Ad Meter winners, from 1989 through last year, according to participants who registered and rated every single Super Bowl commercial that’s won.