See It: Notre Dame Shamrock Series uniform photo gallery close ups

Awesome or too much like Georgia Tech?

As expected, Notre Dame released their [autotag]Shamrock Series[/autotag] uniforms for their October date in Las Vegas with [autotag]BYU[/autotag].  The release came in epic fashion as [autotag]Marcus Freeman[/autotag], [autotag]Isaiah Foskey[/autotag], and [autotag]Michael Mayer[/autotag] all participated in a four minute video that was essentially a tribute to “The Hangover” which was released 13 years ago (where does the time go?).

Notre Dame has also released photos of the uniforms that to me look about as good as any alternate uniform we have seen the Fighting Irish wear in a very long time.  My favorite Shamrock Series uniforms the Irish have ever worn came in the 2013 game against [autotag]Arizona State[/autotag] and the white is in line with those.

The one issue I have with them is the because the pants are plain the uniform as a whole looks exactly what [autotag]Georgia Tech[/autotag] wears regularly.

Whatever the case, these are still some of the better alternates Notre Dame has rocked and I can’t wait to see how good they look in action.