Sean Payton shares details on Ty Montgomery’s grisly finger injury

Ty Montgomery exited the Saints’ game with the Titans due to a nasty finger injury, which Sean Payton said was more grisly than it looked on TV:

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Yikes. The New Orleans Saints expected to lean on Ty Montgomery often in Week 10’s game with the Tennessee Titans, having preemptively ruled out Alvin Kamara with a knee injury, and they worked him in often to their first series of scripted plays — he was in on 6 of the first 11 snaps on offense. But an early fastball from Trevor Siemian broke a bone in Montgomery’s finger and forced him out of the game, leading to an even heavier snaps count for Mark Ingram.

There was speculation among fans at home and on social media that Montgomery should have just had his finger wrapped up with medical tape so he could return to the game. When WWL Radio host Bobby Hebert echoed that sentiment by calling the injury “just a pinky” on Sean Payton’s weekly coach’s show, he was quick to set the record straight.

“He’s a tough sucker, now. But that was a lot more serious. It was through the skin, the whole nine yards,” Payton said.

Yeah, that’s worse than a simple dislocated digit. And that’s a critical issue for a player whose whole skills set is built around his ability to catch the ball, but it’s also worth noting that Montgomery is one of their top special teams players. He’s tied J.T. Gray for the team lead with six tackles in the kicking game.

Hopefully Montgomery can return soon, but he’s been banged up this year. He was limited in practice the last two weeks with a hamstring issue and missed time in training camp after being carted off with a non-contact injury. They’ll miss him until Kamara is cleared to return. Here’s to good health for him.

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