Sean McVay says Matthew Stafford’s thumb is fine after hitting hand on defender

Sean McVay shared an update on Matthew Stafford’s thumb at halftime and says the QB is fine.

Matthew Stafford had a scare in training camp when he banged his hand on a teammate’s helmet, but it wound up being just a contusion that didn’t force him to miss any practice time. A similar thing happened on Sunday against the Colts when Stafford hit his right hand on a defender’s shoulder on a follow-through.

Stafford shook his right hand a little bit and clearly was in some pain, but he stayed in the game and showed no ill effects of the injury. McVay told the FOX broadcast at halftime that Stafford’s thumb is fine and didn’t seem concerned whatsoever.

There is no player more important to the Rams this season than Stafford, so keeping him healthy is critical. After undergoing a minor procedure on his right thumb this offseason, it’s scary when he hits his hand the way he has twice already in about a month.