Sean McVay says he would support players’ on-field protests

Sean McVay wants his players to express themselves freely, even if that means protesting on the field.

Sean McVay scrapped the Rams’ regularly scheduled meetings on Monday and instead opened the floor for his players to discuss the current issues taking place in America, namely the senseless death of George Floyd while in police custody. He allowed players to voice their concerns and opinions on the matter, their views of the protests taking place across the country and experiences with racism and oppression that they’ve had in the past.

During a conference call with media members on Tuesday, McVay explained why he felt it was important to hear from players and let them grieve during this trying time rather than talking about football as they previously planned to.

He also said he’d be supportive of players who decide to kneel during the national anthem or show other displays of protest when the season begins, which is a shift in his previous stance on the matter.

“Absolutely. I think it would be extremely silly of me if I’m sitting here saying that I’m going to listen to learn and try to have empathy and understanding to not allow guys the platform if they feel like it’s the right way to represent the healing and some of those solutions that we’re looking to,” McVay said. “I absolutely would be open and wanting to listen, and yes, be open to that.”

When anthem protests became more widespread a few years ago, McVay didn’t say players couldn’t use join the movement by kneeling during the national anthem. However, he did say that he wanted to maintain the same approach that Jeff Fisher established previously, which had players lined up along the sideline with one hand over the heart and the other holding their helmet.

McVay says his stance on anthem protests hasn’t necessarily changed, but he does want to allow players to express themselves freely.

“I don’t know that anything’s changed, but I think it just reiterates having an empathy and understanding and allowing people to be able to handle the situations and what they see best fit,” he said. “That’s the thing that I would say. It’s understanding – OK, what is it that you’re trying to get done? And being able to understand that and I think you can just listen as much as anything.”

In the past, Robert Quinn was a player for the Rams who demonstrated one form of protest, raising his fist during the anthem. Johnny Hekker also put his arm around Quinn in support of his movement.

There are still three months until the start of the regular season, but given the current landscape of the country, it wouldn’t be the least bit surprising to see at least a few Rams players protesting in one form or another.

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