Sean McKeon finds himself in a crowded Cowboys room with little oxygen

The Cowboys have two TEs with a claim to the No. 1 role, meaning that the several men behind them on the depth chart will be fighting for scraps. A look at McKeon’s story.

For almost the entire millennium, the Dallas Cowboys never really had to worry about their depth at the tight end position. After Jason Witten ascended to the throne, he gave the Cowboys consistent, dependable production that gave a series of quarterbacks reliable targets down the seams and will get him enshrined into the Hall of Fame once he’s eligible. The team has certainly tried to find him a buddy or two along the way, but for the most part that’s been a fruitless expedition over the years.

From Sean Ryan to Anthony Fasano to Martellus Bennett to James Hanna to Gavin Escobar, time and again the team spent resources on players who couldn’t get a real opportunity because Witten didn’t like to share his toys and they weren’t good enough to force the issue. Now that Witten’s out of the picture, the Cowboys are working to find consistency at the position. While Blake Jarwin and Dalton Schultz will occupy the top two slots on the depth chart, there is room behind them for others to work and prepare for the inevitable opportunity that will be afforded when an injury occurs. Right now, free agent Jeremy Sprinkle sits atop the throne, but outside of more veteran experience, he has no real claim to the title. Sean McKeon, a second-year UDFA out of Michigan, stands as good a chance as anyone else of being that guy.

Our 2021 player profile countdown continues with No. 84.