Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson struggles for NFC in Pro Bowl

Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson ceded the starting Pro Bowl nod to fellow QB Drew Brees and then struggled in his short outing.

Although many consider the NFL Pro Bowl to be merely an exhibition matchup, it does have its merits to some. For instance, one bright spot is one final chance to see your favorite players compete one last time until the preseason ramps back up in August.

After the Seahawks were eliminated by the Packers in the divisional round of the playoffs, the Pro Bowl became the final thing the 12th Man could look forward to from their favorite team this season. This year, the Seahawks sent two players to Orlando – quarterback Russell Wilson and cornerback Shaquill Griffin. Linebacker Bobby Wagner opted out of attendance due to a knee injury.

Seeing as though the defenses certainly don’t perform up to usual standard, the Pro Bowl is often a time to watch offensive players bring a little extra flash to the afternoon. With this in mind, all eyes were on Seattle’s signal-caller.

Wilson was actually voted the starter for the NFC by teammates but ceded this honor to Saints legendary quarterback, Drew Brees.

Wilson soon entered the game on the third possession for the NFC and swiftly led his team on a seven-play, 75-yard drive which was capped off with a six-yard touchdown strike from Wilson to Cowboys wide receiver Amari Cooper.

Wilson completed three out of four passes on his first drive. However, the highlights, unfortunately, ended there. The Seahawks quarterback only completed two more passes the rest of the game, finishing with only five connections against 11 misses for 78 yards and a lone touchdown. He was then replaced by Vikings quarterback Kirk Cousins after halftime.

While this may not have been the performance Seahawks fans were hoping for, at the end of the day, they’re likely just happy he saw some action and left the game with no injuries ahead of the 2020 season.

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