Ryan Clark takes aim at Joe Judge, calls Giants coach a liar

Former Giants safety Ryan Clark went in on Joe Judge during Monday’s episode of “First Take,” calling the head coach a liar.

Retired NFL safety and current ESPN analyst, Ryan Clark, listening closely to the viral 11-minute rant of New York Giants head coach Joe Judge. His conclusion? Judge is a bald-faced liar.

While appearing on Monday’s edition of “First Take,” Clark shredded Judge and dismissed several of his claims, including that players repeatedly beg him to stay or return to the Giants.

“If I am playing for Timmy Toughnuts and he is saying that we’re focusing on Sunday, why in the (heck) would I would in there and talk about March? If I want this coach to think I’m about the now, that’s what I’m not doing,” Clark said.

Clark also discussed his departure from the Pittsburgh Steelers and how he remained friends with head coach Mike Tomlin after the fact. And although the two would text occasionally during the season, Clark said reuniting is not something that ever came up.

“You don’t talk about being back in a place that obviously didn’t work out for you to be in no matter what you did there. So that is also a lie,” Clark said.

Clark closed things out by offering his interpretation of Judge’s overall message, which was ultimately, “don’t judge me by the things you can see, judge me by the thing you can’t see.”

Scathing. Clark, who played for the Giants from 2002-2003, pulled absolutely no punches. He went straight for the heart and hit center mass.

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