RSS Racing’s 2023 NASCAR Xfinity Series season in review

RSS Racing had a down year in the NASCAR Xfinity Series. Here, you can check out the NASCAR team’s 2023 season in review!

[autotag]RSS Racing[/autotag] can look at the 2023 NASCAR Xfinity Series season and view it in two different ways. Ryan Sieg, Kyle Sieg, and Joe Graf Jr. didn’t have the speed necessary to make the playoffs or even exceed five top-10 finishes. In fact, this was Ryan Sieg’s worst season since 2018. However, there is another way to look at it that represents a major success.

Aric Almirola piloted the No. 28 Xfinity car at Sonoma Raceway and was the first driver to cross the start-finish line. It was RSS Racing’s first victory in the Xfinity Series since its debut in 2013, which brought great joy to those on the race team. Still, the other side of the spectrum shows that its full-time drivers need better equipment to compete in the series.

In 2024, the Sieg brothers will return to RSS Racing full-time, while Frankie Muniz is also rumored to run a full season. Muniz, who ran for Rette Jones Racing in the ARCA Menards Series, would be a massive addition due to his popularity. Perhaps Muniz’s possible arrival could bring better equipment and funding to propel the organization to a new level.

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