Ron Rivera names 2 priorities he looks for in a quarterback

Ron Rivera looks for two things in a quarterback outside of the obvious.

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If you ask an NFL head coach what he looks for in a quarterback, you will probably get similar answers from each one. Most NFL coaches prioritize accuracy and decision-making in an NFL quarterback.

Over the years, some of what coaches desire in a quarterback has changed a bit. While the NFL has adapted to more of the spread concepts from the college game, NFL coaches like quarterbacks with more athleticism.

In a recent appearance on the “John Keim Report” podcast, Washington coach Ron Rivera spoke about the two most important traits he looks for in a quarterback. Rivera named decision-making and quick-twitch.

While some would say quick-twitch refers to “freaky” athleticism, Rivera defines it differently.

By quick-twitch, what we mean is if ‘I see what I need to see, I’m making a decision now, and I have the ability to get it out.’ Some guys it takes a little bit, ‘ok I see but now I get my body into the position, now I got to take this long delivery,’ whereas, ‘hey, I see it, I throw it.’

Rivera talked about mobility and how important it is but used Tom Brady as an example.

You look at Tom Brady, you see how Brady gets it. The team’s best pass rusher lines up to the left side of their offense, the ball gets snapped, Tom doesn’t stand in the pocket, he starts drifting away from his left side, going to his right, so he’s working away from that pass rusher. And then he delivers the ball, so it’s just enough pocket awareness, mobility to say ‘ok if they’re going to line their best pass rusher up over here to this side when I take that snap I’m going to start filtering myself to my left.’

This is a perfect description from Rivera. Tom Brady isn’t a mobile guy. No one would ever describe him that way, but his pocket awareness and ability to maneuver in the pocket are partially why he is the greatest quarterback of all time.

Studying this upcoming draft class will be fascinating, and seeing how these quarterbacks stack up concerning the traits Rivera desires in a quarterback.