Robert Griffin III’s new glasses had fans making Golden Girls jokes

Robert Griffin III is a sharp dresser, but fans came prepared with jokes for his new look.

Robert Griffin III has been tearing up the broadcasting scene for a while now, covering college football for ESPN. Known for his eccentric style and hilarious in-your-face personality, Griffin is a welcomed sight on many TV screens nationwide.

There’s nothing he won’t do to capture a viewer’s attention and leave a lasting impression. Just weeks ago, Griffin tore his pants during a segment, jumping fully clothed into a nearby body of water. An incredible candid moment.

On Tuesday, Griffin was the talk of social media again, this time for his glasses that caught the attention of many watching ESPN’s Get Up.

Upon further review, fans couldn’t help but notice that his glasses made Griffin look like Sophia from Golden Girls.

Immediately, the jokes ensued, and Twitter had a field day with other characters Griffin also looked like. Griffin’s wife even joined in, proving that a spouse is there to keep you humble.