Richard Jefferson sends message to those putting asterisk near 2020 NBA title

Former Nets forward turned YES Network and NBA analyst Richard Jefferson has no time for those trying to tarnish this year’s NBA title.

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As the NBA worked toward its plan to continue the 2019-20 season at Disney World in Orlando, there were some former players — as well as some current ones — who expressed the 2020 title will have an asterisk next to it.

Whether it be the hiatus, teams playing less than the normal 82 games, the rest of the season and the playoffs set to take place at a neutral site, or the concerns COVID-19 still presents, there are plenty of reasons point to why 2019-20 is different than any other year.

But each of the 22 teams heading down to Orlando has had the same or a similar experience during this odd time. Which is why former New Jersey Nets forward turned YES Network and ESPN analyst Richard Jefferson has no time for those already trying to belittle this year’s title:

I think that’s insanity. Look, let’s just go back in history. Are there any asterisks next to all of the home run hitters? Are there any asterisks next to the [Houston] Astros? Are there any asterisks next to the San Antonio Spurs? There are no asterisks. They don’t exist. … If a team and everyone has the exact same — that’s the idea of a championship, everything is a level playing field. And then you go out there — and yes, it’s not going to be perfect, it’s never been done before, all of these different things. If you go out there and you’re the team that comes on top, that means you are the champion. Right?

If anything, it has been harder because you had time off and you had to come in. Look, if everyone wants to talk about bastardized and this and that, everyone’s on a level playing field. … Don’t tell me any of this doesn’t count or this is — shut up. Stop. That’s selfish and those are people that are worried about legacy-building and ‘Well I had to do it this way.’