Report: Michigan State Football signs Colorado OL coach Chris Kapilovic

New Michigan State head coach Mel Tucker continues to round out his staff, this time bring Chris Kapilovic with him from Colorado.

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According to a report from, Colorado offensive line coach Chris Kapilovic is expected to follow his former head coach Mel Tucker to East Lansing to fill the same position with Michigan State Football. Kapilovic will fill the position that was left vacant after Jim Bollman retired. Bollman had held the position since 2013.

With the signing of Kapilovic, the Spartans new head coach Mel Tucker is starting to round out his staff. Kapilovic will join former MSU defensive coordinator Mike Tressel and defensive line coach Ron Burton as the first three coaches to officially be announced as being part of Tucker’s staff.

“The experience here for me and my family has been awesome,” Kapilovic told BuffStampede, which is part of “We love living here, love the community. I loved coaching at CU. I love my players more than anything. That group has done everything I asked of them, and more. So, that is the part that rips your heart out.”

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