Report: Kevin Durant would have stayed with the Nets if Ben Simmons was healthy

After seeing how good Brooklyn Nets guard Ben Simmons looked on Monday, it was reported that Kevin Durant would have stayed with the Nets.

Brooklyn Nets guard Ben Simmons played in his first NBA game on Monday in almost eight months and he looked good doing it. In fact, Simmons looked so good in the preseason opener that it led someone to say that a certain “Slim Reaper” would have stayed in Brooklyn to play with this version of Simmons.

On Tuesday, Brian Lewis of the New York Post wrote an article about how Simmons played on Monday. Throughout the piece, there are quotes from Simmons talking about how it felt to play in the game and quotes from head coach Jacque Vaughn about what he saw from Simmons in the game against the Los Angeles Lakers.

However, in the middle of the piece, there is a sentence that seems to bring Kevin Durant back into the picture and make it appear that Durant was willing to stay with the Nets as long as Simmons was healthy. Here’s what Lewis wrote with regards to what the source told him pertaining to Durant’s leaving Brooklyn because of the uncertainty around Simmons’ health:

“If Simmons had been healthy last season, sources told The Post that Kevin Durant likely would’ve stayed on in Brooklyn even without Kyrie Irving.”

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