Receivers David Moore and Freddie Swain suffer minor injuries in camp

Seattle Seahawks wide receivers David Moore (ankle) and Freddie Swain (groin) suffered minor injuries in training camp this week.

The Seattle Seahawks have been fortunate throughout the first week of on-the-field practices during training camp. Relatively few players have suffered new injuries despite having only a virtual offseason this year.

Coach Pete Carroll did report that rookie wide receiver Freddie Swain has a groin issue and veteran David Moore hurt his ankle.

“D-Mo just turned his ankle a little bit,” Carroll said via Zoom ahead of Monday’s practice. “We’ll see if he can go today, it was just a couple days ago. It’s not serious at all. It may take another day or so.”

Moore did not practice on Sunday but was able to return to the field Monday afternoon after all.

As for Swain, he likely won’t be able to participate over the next few days.

“Freddie just got little bit of a groin thing that just kind of nicked him, so we’ve got to make sure that we don’t let that get worse, so he’ll be quiet for a couple days now,” Carroll explained. “And Freddie’s had a really good start so far, so we have seen him already, and he’s made a good first impression.”

The Seahawks resume practice Tuesday afternoon.

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