Rare orca sighting caught on video at Channel Islands National Park

See them swim!

Get a glimpse of some of the magnificent creatures that swim in the waters around California’s one and only Channel Islands National Park.

While several species call the Channel Islands home, some are more likely to make an appearance than others. One of the species known for staying out of the limelight is the orca. Eagle-eyed wildlife watchers have to be pretty lucky to spot one of these curious animals.

Recently, a ranger patrolling the area around the park’s San Miguel Island lucked out and saw a pod of orcas for himself. As Channel Islands National Park recently explained in a Facebook post, “Although sightings of orcas around the Channel Islands are rare, they can happen at any time of the year.”

See this orca sighting for yourself in the video below.


Note: The featured image is a stock photo used to illustrate the story.