Ranking the 18 classic NFL ‘Fantasy Files’ commercials by awesomeness

“Pick me!”

It was just a month ago that Tom Brady threw some footballs right into a JUGS machine for a very viral video that was probably fake.

The first thought I had — and that other NFL fans and players had, see what the New York Giants’ Logan Ryan said below! — was it reminded everyone of those old NFL.com Fantasy Files commercials, in which players pulled off some jaw-dropping feats while making cases for those who play fantasy football to draft them.

Were they all aided by CGI? Sure seems that way! In a 2009 Los Angeles Times article, some of the participants spoke about how popular those ads were with fans (and they made it seem like they weren’t fake).

So let’s look back and rank the 18 commercials by how awesome they were. What’s my definition? I don’t know, but it’s some combination of how memorable they were, how cool the feat was and how real it looked.