Raiders TE Darren Waller says new contract or not ‘I’m here, I’m playing’

Darren Waller on contract situation: ‘Whatever the outcome… I’m here, I’m playing’

A report came out earlier this week, just as the Raiders were to report for camp, that Darren Waller and Denzel Perryman were both looking for new contracts. Perryman looking for a new deal was news, but we’ve known for some time that Waller was due for a new contract.

Both players still reported to camp with their teammates after not having missed any practices in OTA’s and minicamp either. Both preferring to take the hands off approach and put their faith in their agents to get a deal done.

The question is if they will always be ok, or if at some point they would push the issue. According to Darren Waller, he’s here regardless of whether he gets a new contract or not.

Waller has several times given the stock answer that his agent is handling the contract situation and he’s focused on football. This time, however, he added “Whatever the outcome is of that I’m here, I’m playing.”

Waller has two years left on his current deal, but he’s considerably underpaid for his talent level. His $7.5 million per season is currently 17th at his position. For a guy who is easily top five, if not top three.

As usual, Waller has his unique and refreshing perspective on it all.

“As a human being, you want to think about things like that,” Waller said of the potential distraction of his contract situation. “But for me adopting the mindset of ‘when I’m here, what can I give to the team?’, as opposed to what I can get. If I give enough, I feel like when my time comes to an end on earth, I feel like people are going to remember me for the impact I had on people or things I was able to do for the world for people, so I try to take that attitude into the smallest details and parts of my day. Because you know we can get distracted, but I feel like taking that approach has definitely helped me to focus in on what I can do in the day here and it keeps it simple and keeps it fun.”

Waller’s integrity on this situation should make him more attractive as a player and teammate. And rather than take advantage of it, the Raiders should reward it.

With two years on this deal, an extension to keep him here for the next three years, making something closer to what he’s worth would be a no brainer at this point.

Josh McDaniels knows how to use a tight end in his offense and Waller can execute it while being a mismatch to any linebacker and most safeties as well.