Q: You were in the same high school …

Q: You were in the same high school class as Michael Jordan. What are your earliest memories of MJ? Chris Mullin: In 1981, we all played in the McDonald’s game together — Patrick (Ewing), Michael, myself, Bill Wennington. There were a lot of great players in that game. That was the first time I saw Michael play, and he was incredible. He should’ve been the MVP. He wasn’t, I don’t think, but I think he scored 30 points. He was the most athletic, energetic guy, just as he was throughout his whole career. That was our senior year in school. I played against him in something back then called the National Sports Festival, which was conducted by USA Basketball. I played against him there. Then, I played against him twice in college and, obviously, with the 1984 Olympic team and the ’92 Olympic team. We did a lot of stuff prior to him becoming the Michael Jordan we all know now. So, I kind of saw him really from the start of his career and watched him blossom into a total star.