Q: In the documentary, they show …

Q: In the documentary, they show footage from a pretty intense Dream Team practice when MJ really went at it with Charles Barkley. Do you remember that practice, and was that one of the more memorable practices you’ve had? Chris Mullin: When you’re surrounded by some of the greatest players of all time, almost to a man there are habits that make them great — their daily habits, their work ethic and their discipline. Practice was our rehearsal to go out and perform on the big stage. Michael, his practice habits were elite. He really took practice seriously. It didn’t matter if it was in Chicago, Monte Carlo or Timbuktu. He was going to prepare and practice with 100% intensity. He had the unique ability to, no matter where it was or what it was, any practice session was the most important thing to him. It felt like it was the only thing going on in the world. That’s the type of intensity and focus he brought — not only to his games, but he did that in practice as well.