Presti sent him to his desired …

Presti sent him to his desired destination and charted a new course for the franchise. In addition to Westbrook and George, Jerami Grant was also dealt, to Denver. “It’s shit. Real shit. Losing a friend. You don’t see them again, as often as you would. But that’s how it goes,” said Adams, the longest-tenured player on the Thunder, in his seventh season with the team. “But it ain’t just them leaving. It’s a lot of players who’ve been traded before them. A lot of them really close friends. A lot of them, just coming and going, whether it’s a 10-day, the impact is really the same, mate. Because as player to a player, you really respect each other immensely, and if you happen to have an off-court relationship, obviously, that means a lot more. But just because they get traded, that shouldn’t affect your personal relationship. That should still remain strong. Either way, mate, that’s shit. But that’s life.”