Postponement Puzzle: Predicting new dates for Michigan State basketball’s postponed games

Spartans Wire takes a look at some potential dates for when Michigan State can makeup these postpone conference games.

COVID-19 has had a direct impact on the 2020-21 season for the Michigan State Spartans, with the team being forced to postpone numerous games.

Michigan State is reportedly on track to return to the floor this week after having their last three games postponed due to multiple positive COVID-19 tests amongst the program. It was revealed late on Saturday that Michigan will be shutting down athletics for at least two weeks after numerous positive tests of the even more contagious B.1.1.7 variant — adding another postponement (Feb. 6 at Michigan) to the list for the Spartans.

These kinds of postponements were always expected to happen, with a goal of making up the games at some point in the season. But now that we are nearly into the final month of the season, when and how will the Spartans be able to make up these games? Spartans Wire takes a look at some potential dates for when Michigan State can makeup these postpone games and get as close to a full 20-game conference schedule as possible.