PODCAST: Dave Shula

PODCAST: Dave Shula

When play returns for the Ivy League, Dave Shula will enter his third season as wide receivers coach at Dartmouth.

Shula returned to coaching in 2018 after 22-years away from the sport. His last position took place from 1992-96 when he served as head coach for the Cincinnati Bengals.

Shula’s father, Don, is the winningest coach in NFL history with 328 victories. He also won two Super Bowl championships (VII, VIII) and the 1968 NFL championship.

Mike Shula, son of Don and brother of Dave, played quarterback at Alabama and served as the Crimson Tide’s head coach (2003-06). Shula went 1-3 against Tennessee during his time as Alabama’s head coach.

Shula joined the show “Tennessee Two-A-Days” to discuss returning to coaching and winning the 2019 Ivy League championship at Dartmouth.

The show can be listened to here or below.

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