Pirates and Orioles played a sandlot-style inning of baseball after the umpires left the field

A baseball inning … without umpires?

The Pittsburgh Pirates and Baltimore Orioles found themselves in an odd position during a spring training contest on Tuesday.

With Pittsburgh winning 7-4 after the top of the ninth inning, the game’s umpires left the field for the day. However, Orioles manager Brandon Hyde asked to keep the game going just to get some more work in for his guys.

The two teams agreed to just go out there and play ball, giving MLB fans in attendance a sandlot-style afternoon at the ballpark.

Professional sports just don’t ever happen without officiating, which made Tuesday’s exhibition game all that much more special for those in attendance and those watching at home.

Wow, if that doesn’t make you want to round up all your friends in the neighborhood and go play a few innings in the empty field by your house, we’re not sure what will.

While this game doesn’t really count for much than conditioning for the upcoming season, the Pirates and Orioles likely won’t forget the time they just got to play baseball without much else to focus on than the game.