PGA Tour player Si Woo Kim got a 13 on a par 3 in the most ridiculous of ways

Golf is hard. Even for the pros.

Golf is hard. You know that if you’ve ever played the game. One minute you can think you have things figured out and the next you’re topping one into a pond in front of the tee box and yelling things that would make your mother very mad at you.

Well, it’s also hard for professional golfers, too. It’s just a humbling sport no matter if you’re a 15-handicap or someone who makes good money traveling around the world playing the game.

On Sunday at the WGC FedEx St. Jude Classic, Si Woo Kim stepped up to the par-3, 11th hole and did something pretty amazing – he put five balls in the water and carded a 13 on the 155-yard hole.

Look at how he did it:

Five 5 balls in the water! On one hole! By a pro!

Absolutely wild.

You know what else is wild? He finished the round with a 78! With a 13 on his card!

Si Woo Kim closed his round with three straight birdies on 15, 16 and 17, which is so darn impressive and also shows how dumb this game can be.

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