Peyton Manning’s start to The Match was so bad that he changed his hat after one hole

The hat worked.

Sunday’s The Match presented an intriguing matchup between two of the best golfers around and teamed them up with all-time great quarterbacks who happened to be mediocre golfers.

We had Tiger Woods with Peyton Manning go up against Phil Mickelson and Tom Brady. And it became undeniably clear that Manning is a much better football player than he is a golfer. Just look at his first shot.

Manning’s opening tee shot at Medalist Golf Club was so bad that he eventually felt the need to change hats. Manning was wearing a white hat on the first hole. And as you can see, he nearly lost the ball off the tee.

On the second hole, Manning changed to a dark NOLA hat.

(Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images for The Match)

And, of course, Manning’s second hole went much better with him finding the fairway. It always works out that way.

It must be the hat.

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