Peter King offers up some genuine Lions optimism

NBC’s Peter King offers up some genuine Lions optimism in his latest article and projects a lot more wins in 2022

Now serving up a healthy helping of Honolulu Blue Kool-aid: NBC Sports’ Peter King.

In his latest edition of Football Morning in America, King features the Detroit Lions. It’s a piece bubbling with optimism as King includes reports from an earlier trip to Lions HQ in Allen Park and snippets of interviews with head coach Dan Campbell and GM Brad Holmes.

“I’m more bullish on the Lions than the wiseguys are, more bullish than the NFL is.,” King writes.

He’s not alone in that sentiment, but King’s unexpected praise is a nice shot of measured optimism on the eve of training camp. He notes the team’s strong finish (3-3 after a 0-10-1 start) and the overwhelming sense of unity around Campbell from the players as reasons why he believes the Lions can win eight games, a huge improvement over last year’s 3-13-1.

It’s always nice to see outside reporters have something positive to say about the Lions.