Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf ticked off at Ben Roethlisberger

Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf had some stern words for Ben Roethlisberger after the Steelers’ QB got a haircut and beard trim.

The times are such a guy can’t get a haircut and his beard trim without ruffling the feathers of a top politician. Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf was not thrilled to see Ben Roethlisberger and his clean-cut look.

The Steelers’ quarterback broke COVID-19 pandemic restrictions to get his hair cut and beard trimmed Monday. Roethlisberger let his hair and beard grow after suffering the injury during the team’s second game in 2019. He vowed he would not get them cut until he was able to throw a football again.

And Wolf howled about it Tuesday.

“My concern is just a general concern,” Wolf said. “Anybody who puts himself or herself into harm’s way is something that I think we have to try to avoid. When you go to something like a barbershop and you’re not protected, I don’t care who you are, the chances of that virus actually wreaking havoc on your life increases.

“I don’t personally think any Pennsylvanian ought to take that chance. I certainly don’t want to take that chance myself.”

Vincent Carchietta-USA TODAY Sports

Roethlisberger visited a place called Norman’s Cut N Edge in Sewickley, which is in Allegheny County.

The County remains in the yellow phase of Pennsylvania’s restriction easing. The yellow phase rules explicitly warn against the opening of salons, barbershops, and similar businesses. Gov. Wolf has acknowledged the state’s limited ability to enforce these policies.