Pedro Martinez compares the Yankees to ‘chihuahuas’ after 1-hit loss to Braves


It’s no secret that former Boston Red Sox hurler Pedro Martinez wasn’t a huge fan of the New York Yankees back in the day — and when he’s been on the air after his career, he’s trolled their fans.

That happened again on Tuesday night when the Yanks could only eke out one measly hit against the Atlanta Braves. And on TBS, after the game, Martinez had this to say: “I remember watching the Yankees early in the season, and when they were going well, they looked, like, so confident. It was like watching a bulldog beat up on a chihuahua when they were playing those teams. And Now, they look like the chihuahuas to any other team, especially a good team like the Atlanta Braves. It looks like no match.”

Oof. Or, should I say, woof.