Patriots Wire Podcast: Is Bill Belichick losing the locker room?

Coming off a drama-filled weekend, is it safe to assume Bill Belichick has lost the Patriots’ locker room?

As if losing seven games halfway through the season wasn’t enough for the New England Patriots. Now, the team is dealing with drama behind closed doors as well with cornerbacks J.C. Jackson and Jack Jones.

Both players reportedly missed curfew on Saturday and were benched in the early part of Sunday’s game against the Washington Commanders. Jackson declined to speak with reporters after the game, while Jones left the building entirely before the media swarmed.

Things got even weirder after the benching with Jones liking a social media post that suggested he would have been better off pleading guilty, which is likely a reference to the gun charges he faced over the summer.

Jones was back at practice on Wednesday, but it was reported after the recording of this week’s Patriots Wire Podcast that Jackson was sent home. The veteran cornerback is expected to miss Sunday’s international game in Germany against the Indianapolis Colts.

Ryan O’Learly and I discuss the current state of the Patriots in this week’s episode of the podcast. Is coach Bill Belichick losing more than just football games? Has he also lost control of the locker room?

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