Patriots LB/FB Elandon Roberts had the quote of the year about running through players

“I think that’s why Bill likes me.”

Bill Belichick has never shied away from having players play on both offense and defense. Remember when wide receiver Troy Brown used to play in the defensive backfield, too?

Now thanks to some injuries, the New England Patriots coach has been using linebacker/captain Elandon Roberts at fullback, too, and he’s been doing a pretty good job of opening up holes for running backs the past few weeks.

Roberts was fired up after playing a big role in Saturday’s AFC East-clinching win over the Bills. He was asked about his mindset about playing physical football and he provided one heck of a quote:

Tom Brady seemed to love it, too, as he used that quote on Instagram on Sunday:

And here is video of Roberts providing that quote, but be warned: you’re gonna hear a bad word!

Too good.