Patriots fans are losing their minds over WR/QB (!) Malik Cunningham after 1 preseason game

He had himself a night … in the first preseason game.

Ahhhh, it’s that time of year: When third-string players do some amazing things for a quarter in a preseason game and fans on Twitter lose their minds.

I will say this, though: We’re talking about the New England Patriots here, the franchise that once found a GOAT with the 199th pick of a draft. So maybe it’s different?

Sorry, I’m drinking some of the Kool-Aid that Pats fans had on Thursday night, when undrafted QB/WR — he played some of both positions — Malik Cunningham had himself a night in the preseason loss to the Houston Texans, dekeing a defender out on a touchdown run that was shared everywhere:

Bailey Zappe had nice things to say: