Pat Sajak inadvertently roasted a Wheel of Fortune contestant after they mispronounced a word

This whole sequence is pretty painful, but Pat Sajak came in from the top rope.

Wheel of Fortune has been around for decades, capturing the hearts of many with its host, Pat Sajak, and letter connoisseur Vanna White. It’s also one of the few game shows that can bring a contestant to their knees over how they pronounce a word.

We’ve all been there while watching Wheel of Fortune. We think we’ve got it. We’re SURE we’ve solved the puzzle. We’re proudly yelling what we believe the answer is, only to realize we totally flubbed the word, and not only did we not get it right, but there’s no prize money involved.

Unfortunately, that was the fate of a recent contestant on the popular game show. She did an excellent job building the phrase with letters, but her answer missed the mark when she announced that she would like to solve the puzzle. Then, Pat Sajak chimed in with a one-liner that truly made the moment’s heaviness felt.


This isn’t the first time this has happened. Others have also done it. Remember this gem from 2014? Woof.