Pat Bowlen’s niece hopes for ‘better front office leadership’ and ‘an owner that cares’

Julie Bowlen calls for the Broncos to get “better front office leadership and an owner that cares and is committed to winning.”

The Denver Broncos are expected to be sold this offseason, presumably outside the Bowlen family, ending an era that started with late owner Pat Bowlen in 1984. After the team’s season finale last week, Pat Bowlen’s niece, Julie, posted the following statement on her Instagram page:

The highlight from the last Broncos game this year happened before the game even started. A much and well deserved tribute to the late Dan Reeves who passed away on New Years Day. He truly set a standard of excellence and winning that has been sorely missed for the last 6 years. As the Bowlen family likely said goodbye to 38 years of owning this team it is my hope the next owner returns the sense of family that lead to the success, helped set a standard of togetherness, respect, excellence, accountability, and the drive to win as a team and organisation. The low light could be any of a number of stats, 13th straight loss to the Chefs (dating back to 2015) another losing season (6th straight) but the kick in the gut for me was realising the only other team as bad as us (no winning seasons or playoff appearances) in the last 6 years is the NYJ…. Yes we are that bad. How have we fallen so far from the greatness established by the likes of Reeves, Shanahan and my uncle? How has the only standout QB since 1998 been the few years we were blessed with Manning? Simply put it’s time to get a proper QB, better front office leadership and an owner that cares and is committed to winning! I am truly blessed and grateful to have been there for the good ole days, to have seen the greatness they created and to have shared it with so many amazing people in the organisation back then! Things may change a little, but I guarantee I will still be out in the stands, in my happy place amongst the fans, cheering on the team that has brought so much joy and so many memories to my life! Thanks you to my mom and dad, to Denver and all the Broncos fans, and all the players, coaches and employees that were part of those first 25 years. Good riddance to those that destroyed it, stole the fun, failed the team and fans, killed the standard of excellence, dishonoured the franchise and Pat’s legacy. Bring on new and better times ahead!!!

Julie is the daughter of Bill Bowlen, one of Pat’s brothers. Bill was a minority owner before selling his shares in 2000. Bill attempted to have the trust that’s been controlling the team since Pat’s death removed from power through a lawsuit but it was dismissed in 2019.

That trust will be relinquishing control when the team is sold. Fans in Denver can only hope — as Julie does — that better days are ahead for the franchise.

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