Parents of Ohio State football players send letter asking for the season to be reinstated

Parents of Ohio State football players sent a letter to Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren recently asking for the 10-game schedule to be…

Parents of Ohio State football players sent a letter to Big Ten Commissioner Kevin Warren recently asking for the 10-game schedule to be reinstated and for overall transparency surrounding the decision of whether or not to play the season.

The demands are reinstating the revised 10-game schedule, full transparency to the parents, coaches and players regarding the decision and the data used, a Zoom call between the Big Ten Commissioner and senior players and parents, the conference choosing to allow teams who are prepared to play to play and a detailed action plan with standard protocols and safety protocols for all teams.

There is a lot to unpack here, but the fact that the parents of the players feel so out of the loop regarding the decision to cancel the season that they wrote a letter to the conference commissioner is not a great sign.

Is it possible to reinstate the 10-game season? Who knows. But overall transparency and all parties working together towards a desired outcome seems like a good place to start.

As Athletic writer Bill Landis perfectly put it in the tweet above: what a novel concept.


Check back in to BadgersWire in the coming weeks to stay up to date on any development regarding the season and how the Big Ten responds to the letter.