Panthers LB Shaq Thompson on transition to 3-4 defense: I actually love this

Panthers LB Shaq Thompson, whose future in Carolina was a bit uncertain just a few months ago, feels confident in working with the team’s new coaching staff.

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So, how’s the Carolina Panthers’ transition to a 3-4 base defense going?

Linebacker and second-longest tenured Panther Shaq Thompson was asked that question on Thursday. Following the latest session of team organized activities, the ninth-year veteran told reporters that the switch is moving along swimmingly.

“It’s been good,” he said. “I played it [Ron] Rivera’s last year. So, it’s not any different. I actually love this. We’re more visual. Get to play off the quarterback, play fast and just be free.”

As Thompson noted, this is Carolina’s second move to a 3-4 in the last handful of years. The first came under Rivera in 2019, his ninth and final campaign with the organization.

But now, Thompson is working with a whole new coaching staff under defensive coordinator Ejiro Evero—one he’s been quite impressed by to this point.

“But this staff has been a blessing,” he stated. “Over 200 years of experience—it was like, ‘Why wouldn’t you feel comfortable?’ Everybody knows the game, they’ve been coachin’ for a long time. So there’s no reason not to be confident and comfortable with these coaches.”

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