Packers issue team statement on police-involved shooting in Kenosha

The Packers released a statement from the team following a police-involved shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

The Green Bay Packers issued a statement on the police-involved shooting in Kenosha, Wisconsin, located roughly 150 miles south of Green Bay. Video of the shooting surfaced on social media Sunday night.

The victim, Jacob Blake, remains in serious condition at a Milwaukee hospital.

The team’s statement comes hours after strong comments from both coach Matt LaFleur and quarterback Aaron Rodgers on the incident.

The full text from the Packers:

“The Packers organization was shocked to see the video that showed police shooting Jacob Blake multiple times in the back. We are hopeful Jacob makes a full recovery, and our thoughts are with his family.

“While we understand a full investigation of this terrible incident will take place, we are deeply troubled at what again has become a painful example of the significant challenges we face with respect to police brutality, systemic racism and injustices against Black people. We continue to call for meaningful dialogue to affect the needed change we all desire.”

The Packers held a meeting with the team’s leadership council to talk through the new incident and determine what the team will do next. An official statement from the team was clearly part of the plan.

Here’s LaFleur’s emotional response following practice and the leadership meeting:

Here’s Rodgers following practice:

Following the death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, the Packers donated a half-million dollars to social justice initiatives in Wisconsin.

The team also released this video statement featuring several players:

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