Opinion: Drake Maye shouldn’t have had to apologize

If you were offended by what North Carolina quarterback Drake Maye said this week, I bet you’re a ton of fun at parties.

That’s why I loved what the quarterback Notre Dame faces this week said on Tuesday.  North Carolina’s Drake Maye said the following about in-state rival North Carolina State when he was asked about why he chose to be a Tar Heel:

““I didn’t want to miss out on the home state… growing up in Carolina, you’re gonna be a Carolina fan. Some people may say State, but really people who go to State just can’t get into Carolina…” – UNC quarterback Drake Maye

An entirely harmless comment that I would guess those at NC State are smart enough to know was simply a joke and nothing more.  Remember the harmless fun that was part of what makes not just college football but college athletics as a whole fun?  Well, apparently the days of that are over because it appears pretty clear that someone got in Maye’s ear and made him walk those “controversial” (insert eye-roll emoji here) comments back.

Seriously, I wish I was kidding, but a lifelong North Carolina fan who said something that was clearly an entirely harmless joke was made to walk those comments back.

NEXT: What are we even doing anymore?