OKC Thunder news: Bleacher Report lists off three potential trade targets for Thunder along with trade destinations for veterans

The Thunder were gifted with three possible trade targets along with trade destinations for Kenrich Williams and Mike Muscala by @BleacherReport

Bleacher Report’s Greg Swartz released an article that listed the top three trade candidates for all 30 NBA teams. The trade deadline is 17 days away on Feb. 10.

The Oklahoma City Thunder will probably be sellers this deadline as playoff contenders will call in to see the price of Kenrich Williams, the 27-year-old is averaging 7.1 points and 4.1 rebounds while shooting 38.2 percent from three in 39 games. Williams’ is also on a cheap contract, as he has a non-guaranteed two million dollar salary for the 2022-23 season that will easily be picked up.

Trading Williams makes sense on in a vacuum. But his recent comments to The Oklahoman’s Joe Mussatto about wanting to stay in Oklahoma City and retire in a Thunder uniform has made things a bit complicated as the human element plays a role — especially with how his teammates and Thunder head coach Mark Daigneault continuously praise him.

With all that said, let’s take a look at the three trade targets Swartz thinks the Thunder should target along with other team’s targets that involve a Thunder player.