Ohio State gives game away vs. Illinois for fourth straight loss. Three takeaways.

Ohio State seemed to take control of the game against Illinois at just the right time, only to give it away with poor decision-making.

There is still a lot of season to go

By a lot of season, I mean the postseason. It was always going to be hard anyway to catch Michigan, now the new season can act as a much-needed reset for Ohio State. From here on out, it’ll be playing tournament basketball for a championship. The Big Ten Tournament starts next week, then it’s off to the Big Dance.

For all that’s gone wrong over the last four games, this team still has the ability to be a tough out in a one-and-done format for any team out there. There are clearly some things to clean up, but there isn’t any time for feeling sorry for yourself. It’s time to get up off the deck and finish this thing or what looked like such a promising season will be just a footnote.

Ohio State basketball NCAA Tournament History