Ohio State gives game away vs. Illinois for fourth straight loss. Three takeaways.

Ohio State seemed to take control of the game against Illinois at just the right time, only to give it away with poor decision-making.

Duane Washington has to be smarter in closing time

Look, I know Chris Holtmann has sung praises of Duane Washington and defended him several times this year, but one of the main reasons Ohio State hasn’t been able to finish games is his decision-making and shot-selection coming down the wire.

OSU missed its last ten shots, and five of them were from Washington’s hands. But it wasn’t just that they were off the mark, there were some very, very questionable shots at a time when the game mattered most. Ohio State needs one of its best players to be there at the end of games, and he’s just not shown the mindset and ability at end of game situations that this team needs.

The Buckeyes are going to go as far as Washington’s complimentary game to Liddell goes, and right now, it’s not good at winning time.

NEXT … Time to pull up the bootstraps