Oday Aboushi donates 35,000 pounds of food to his hometown food bank

Lions offensive guard Oday Aboushi donated and distributed 35,000 pounds of food, and he joined The Jim Rome Show to talk about it.

Lions offensive guard Oday Aboushi is one of the genuinely good people you’ll meet in life. Throughout his journeyman NFL career, he’s always been a generous and thoughtful man. He proved his giving spirit once again this week, and Aboushi joined the Jim Rome Show to talk about it.

Aboushi and his sister donated 35,000 pounds of food, including fresh produce, to those in need in his home city, New York.

“It was amazing,” Aboushi told Rome enthusiastically. “We can’t take all the credit. We teamed up with a bunch of amazing community members.”

Aboushi humbly describes “the rush” of feeling the support and gratitude of his community.

It’s great to see a player remembering and honoring his roots and using his success to help those who helped him succeed.