Notre Dame Personnel Losses A Part Of The Process

Like it or not, personnel losses will keep coming for Notre Dame. And that’s not entirely a bad thing.

Much has been written and said this last winter and spring regarding many high-profile Notre Dame coaches and players that have taken their talents elsewhere. What do we make of these moves? Are they a sign that South Bend isn’t the place to be and that the culture is suspect? I don’t think so. I think what we’ve experienced is the natural reshaping of a roster that often occurs in line with a coaching change.

Nobody is really “at fault” for any of the recent departures, everyone involved is doing what they should, making the best decisions for themself. But as you and I both know, everything that occurs in Notre Dame land gets amplified, gets more attention, and questions asked.

Let’s examine the Irish’s recent departures and how Notre Dame can keep progressing without skipping a beat.